Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.

Monday, December 01, 2008



今天伟伦告诉我成绩出了,好紧张。。在查找成绩时,不可否认的心情非常的复杂,好像几条鹿乱撞似的。。 人家说当人表白时心情很像几条鹿乱撞,我的心情却在这个时候有这样的感觉。。上网的速度又非常慢。。哈哈当然最后是个好消息,终于过关了,挨了这么久。。 在我堕落的这段时间,曾经想过放弃,曾经想过自杀,更曾经迷惑着到底神要在我的生命中有什么样的计划。。好迷惑,迷惑到差点放弃。。有好几次我站在高楼上,有很大的冲动要跳下去,但往往最关键的时刻,脑中浮现着:“这是一条艰难的路,你能够走下去吗?神在每个人的生命中有特别的计划,你怎么在这个时候放弃?” 就因为这句话,我不断的祷告,又迷惑,又祷告,终于开始慢慢的走出迷惑,眼睛也开始明亮起来。。

走过这条路后,我深深的明白感受到,人的才能在依靠自己时是是不可靠的。。当问题来到时,才干反而会变成跌倒的地方。。 感谢主,你粉碎我的思想,粉碎我整个人。。 我明白了,神当你预备艰难的路让我们走时,你依然兼顾着我们,而这条路也是我们可以承受的。。

今天我过关了,我毕业了。。。 当我看到成绩时,眼泪也掉下来,想起一路走来的艰难,眼泪更难停下来。。我终于走过了这个艰难的路,当然我知道还有更多的路要走,但我相信主你会继续与我同在的。。 感谢神!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008



1 他是上帝差派来到世界上的
2 他是中保,即是神又是人
3 他是唯一无罪的
4 他为我们的罪钉死在十字架上
5 他胜过死亡
6 他从死里复活
7 他彰显了上帝的公义

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

10月12日。。 Cassie 毕业了!!!


我们的大合照 ^^。。






今天10月12日,是 Cassie 的毕业典礼。我们小组一夥一起崇拜后,就出发到 KLCC 参加毕业典礼。我们买了一个娃娃熊给她,小婷和劲恒则买了一大束花,我还是第一次看到非常特别的设计。花上面竟然能放一个大星星,还蛮特别的。到了那里等待的当儿,非常高兴的,又拍照,又聊天,终于主角出来了。和往常一样,我们都拍了很多的照片,这一直都是我们的惯例和爱好。看着看着,我非常的高兴,当然也有一丝的羡慕,真不知道几时才会轮到我。我实在比别人慢,比别人久,还可以怎样,谁叫我自己不争气呢!!! 哈哈,我还记得 Cassie 拍了一个“乞丐照”。这可是一个传统照片,自从 Ah Joeh 毕业后,我们就流行了这个传统,每个毕业生一定要摆个乞丐讨钱的样子让我们拍照。这次还多了一个劲恒,Cassie 久抱了娃娃熊当成他们的孩子,就这样一家人在行乞,哈哈,还真想得。。完了后,我们赶着去 DISC。竟然在 KL 走错路。不过我们仍然有一个很好的团聚。

DISC 的性格测验,我还是没有改变。我的成绩是 High C High D,和往常一样,死性不改。往往我的 C 都是在要求人,特别是在事奉上要完美准确,反而在日常生活上是很少的,有时真不知道这是否还是 C。

这一天后,我就要真正开始我考试的准备。这是我最后一个学期,要毕业了,希望毕业成功。加油了 Ricky !!!
也在这里祝福 Cassie 前程锦绣,进入社会为神作奄作光,加油!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hollie 的生日!!




这个是非常出色的甜品,雪糕 + 水果。。

哇,阿 Joeh 竟然公然大便!!



10月9日是 Hollie 的生日。生日前夕,我们约好到 Cheras 夜市逛逛,也一起帮她庆祝生日。我们本来打算早一点买蛋糕,但因为怕它融掉,最后我们决定就在夜市里买蛋糕,到了夜市竟然连一个像样的蛋糕都没有。这个夜市非常的大,可说是其中一个最大的夜市,不用说当然也是人山人海。在那里,我吃了一个个人觉得好吃的,他们竟然说都不好吃,还说我的口味太差了,闲到。。我们才跑到一半,怎知道天下起大雨,我们不得不跑到茶店去遮雨。

Hollie 就介绍我们到一个非常有气氛而新潮的餐厅里庆祝和喝茶,就是 Fun OK (返屋岂)。这个餐厅有一个特别的地方就是客人的座椅竟然是马桶,非常有创意。而且,灯光非常好,坐的地方也很舒服,真的有回家的感觉。因为没有蛋糕,丽洁和依清就想到用甜点然后插上蜡烛。当然到最后很搞笑的被 Hollie 发现了,再一次的惊喜不攻自破。令我们再一次想到,本来我们要给惊喜的,怎知丽洁竟然把我们惊喜的计划透过电话寄给 Hollie。就这样,Hollie 就知道我们的计划。现在竟然再一次不攻自破。

一整晚,大家都很开心的,最后差不多 12am 才回家。回家之前,我们还是继续逛逛这个夜市,但是人群们已经散了,毕竟夜深人静了。感谢主,求神祝福 Hollie,继续加添给她!!

马来人新年的假期 (芙蓉镇一日游)

这个就是 Port Dickson 海滩!!



??? 她们在看什么??




哇,丽洁被抓到在吸烟了,相片为证!! :p


假期第一天一早和 Donald 小组到 Klang 一起吃肉骨茶。本来是去海滩的,但是到最后才发现那个海滩已经被废弃了。虽然没什么睡到,但是可能是假期的缘故,所以并不会累。肉骨茶并没什么不同,当然最大的不同就是这个肉骨茶保持了它的原汁原味。过后,我们就到附近的购物广场跑跑。好久 没试过这么休闲了,因为时间还很多,大家也没事情做,所以都很悠闲得逛街。晚上在韩国餐厅吃晚餐时,不经意得说:“嘿,假期我们不能白白得过,一定要有好的和难忘的回忆。” 这句话被丽洁听进去了。

第二天,我们被丽洁和嘉圣七早八早就叫醒了。就因为这句话,他们决定去芙蓉镇一日游,害得我有一点不好意思。。。 :p 在两个朋友的带领下,我们去到一个出名老鼠粉的餐厅里,却叫了一些非常普通的食物,而没叫到老鼠粉,还真是搞笑的,难得来到,竟然不试下人家出名的!!在买了出名的芙蓉烧饼后,我们出发到 Port Dickson 去。到了那里,人山人海。。非常遗憾的是我们没有带替换的衣服,只能在海边冲脚。还真好笑的,昨天丽洁还因为没有去到海滩而非常不甘心,谁知道 Klang 的海滩去不成,却来到 Port Dickson 海滩。过后,我们就启程回家,赶去教会练歌。


Monday, September 22, 2008

MR 2+ Night!!

MR 2+ night,
Claim music for GOD!!

My RISK friend, Alvin Chang!!

My pretty best friend, Joanne Sim!!

Our dearest MR2+ judges!!

WOW,忙了整整的几个月时间的准备,终于到了MR 2+ 了。在准备工作中,遇到最大的问题就是在和参赛者上的配搭,歌词和歌曲都改了无数次。但为了这一次的MR,为了让参赛者能够把最好的献给神和呈现出来,这一切都是值得的。

这一届的比赛水准比上一届的更好。参赛者都是非常有经验、有技巧的歌手,无法不承认的,我在台下都为着他们紧张。从他们的呈现中,虽然带着紧张,但他们都能一一的呈现,甚至在听到他们的他们的歌声,我的眼泪都不住得流下。当然,最大的惊喜当然是来自两位司仪 (Theodore & Hollie) 。他们的配搭可说是非常完美,都是非常有潜力的可造之材,有谁能猜到他们是刚认识,也是第一次担任司仪呢?

再一次的,神带领MR 2+,使整个节目顺利得完成,感谢神!!现在期待着就是最后的7 位优胜歌手和7首的创作歌曲,让我们期待决赛的到来吧!!


Monday, August 25, 2008

Audition 终于到了!!我突破了!!

Praise Team audition 终于到了,就在上个星期六进行。我居然做了非常疯狂的事情,就是 audit 唱歌。



当晚其他 audit 的是所有 vocalist。。。 虽然大家都很紧张,但还是很顺利的完成并唱完自己的歌,感谢主。。这类型的 audition 简直是有利无害,可以帮助我们了解到自己的音乐水准。。非常期望还有更多不同类型的 audition,以提升整个 praise team 的音乐水准!!!!

My Birthday celebrated with RISK Friends...

My best friends, RISK friends (Zermi's design)
Haha Zermi is not inside because he took photos for us!!

Sok Cheng & Me (Zermi's design)
Thanks Zermi!!

Ah Chung show posts to test the new camera!!

My favourite chicken!!

So happy because RISK friend celebrate birthday with me at Chicken Buffet. We having buffet there and have a nice gathering with each other. Actually we long times no gathering since we stopped playing RISK game. So this time actually is our chance to meet together instead of celebrate my birthday.. :)

Amaszing piano with flowers!!

Pyramid become a garden, beutiful man!!

After the buffet we had a walk in Pyramid and see a very amazing design. A piano with a lot of flowers that i trust i will never watch it again for whole life. Quite beautiful and full with flower taste, feel like walking in a garden.

Haha, here is our camera man, Zermi!!

After that we go to McD to have a further gathering. Wow, today is unforgetable because RISK friend is friends that walked with me and accompany me when i feel down. Thanks God that give me RISK friends.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lost wallet again.

Ohno, I really nothing to say. 1 year can lost wallet 2 times, and have to remake my IC and ATM card. Now IC there shows 02 which means that i already remake it for second times. This time may need to pay RM100++ for it. Haiz, really don't know when can I become more carefully on this kind of SMALL THING.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Result out.. I pass all subjects..

Finally i pass all subjects for 2 pass and 2 credit. For a long and hard journey, finally i reach the last semester. What a good news for me. So happy on that because i am actually din really finish my paper, but finally pass also.

Thanks God for protecting me and give me faith, save me from death, build and equip me with a tough life. I will serve God forever and sacrifice myself for God.

Thanks my share group leader that borrowed house and car for me to study during exam. She gave me a lot of support no matter on encouragement or advice. She is really a girl that give me a lot of confident no matter in studies or life. She also preparing to help me and listening on my struggle. Thanks God for let me know her.

Thanks share group member that support me in prayer and share my happiness or sadness.

Thanks Risk friends that support me in prayer and always make me joyful. I can release my stress when i see them. They also support me a lot when i feel less confident. They are my best friend in whole life and i will never forget them.

Thanks my another "non-formal" share group that held in Mcd after Praise Team practice. They also help me to release my stress.

Thanks for FCC and Praise Team members
that pray for me. Serve with them is my blessing.

Thanks McD that provide a good situation for me to study 24 hours and free refill Coca Cola. Besides that, i can also watch football match there when i feel boring in studies.

Finally sure i want to thanks my family for my whole life until now.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Wah, finally can online again since move to this new house. Anyway, yesterday read a very good article from SinChew Newspaper, about "HAPPY" philosophy.

苏格拉底,哲学家 - 快乐的哲学
苏格拉底一直都很快乐的活着。他的学生们都很奇怪,因为他们在生活上有很多的烦恼。他们就来请教苏格拉底。苏格拉底就吩咐他们在40天里把一艘船造好。为了把船在40天里赶完,学生们唯有硬起头皮,暂时把烦恼忘掉,专心的造船。40天后,他们终于把船赶完。苏格拉底就带他们坐着船到外面游玩。当时,苏格拉底问他们:“你们现在快乐吗?” 学生们回答:“快乐极了!” 苏格拉底就告诉他们:“当你们有了目标,正为着一个目标去努力奋斗,去尽力完成这个目标时,快乐就会不知不觉的临到。”


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I hate thieves, but i want love them as God love us...

Hey our house got thief again. I think is the same thief as last time. From neighbour information, the guy is a Vietnam guy. Last time, he tried to come into our house by opened our padlock, but my housemate just came back and saw him opened our padlock. Then the guy was shocked and ran away to neighbour house and stole the house's items.

This time, the guy aim our house again. Don't know what he think. He never steal our house before, so aim our house again. He climbed up to second floor and stay beside my housemate room's window. Then my housemate wakes up on time and suddenly see his head on the window and shock her. The guy shock too and jump from second floor and ran away. The result is that my dear housemate get shocked and cant sleep whole night.

Sometimes really don't know what the thief think about, really hate them especially those killer and "Perompak". May God change us to love those thieves although they really make us scary and even disturb our normal life.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Set Apart

Tonite i just attend a concert "Set Apart" album release concert. In the concert, there are a lot of professional and considered top musicians in Sabah. The music that they play is very nice and comfortable, no matter rock or soft. In the concert, there is an important message - Set Apart which teach us to set apart ourselves from others and have to show our good testimony in public.

In the concert, i see how good is the electric guitarist to fill in and dominate the song with his guitar, no matter in filling in or solo part. Quite enjoy on what he playing just now. Don't know how long i can reach his standard..

Anyway, Gambateh RicKy z@i, u can do that...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I lost my wallet!!

Sien, today i realize that i lost my wallet in the taxi after i studied in McD yesterday. How come i so "Dai Mong". Really lost my wallet. Inside wallet got driving license, Identity Card, ATM card and student card as well. Hopefully the taxi driver will give me back the wallet, but i know the chance is 0.1%.

Haizzzz... already made a report in Police Station. A lot things to do, have to apply again for every card. Then now no money to use, have to borrow from housemate dy since i lost my ATM card.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

A Cr@zy niteeeee!!

Today is a special day for me.

Afternoon, we have a Faith Music meeting and a lot of problems were discussed in the meeting. One of the problem is about the members problem due to we cant hold them and let them commit in this ministry. What is confusing is whether we want emphasize only on music or hold the members to commit in this ministry. Finally the answer is we continue our music training class that was stopped because of the Red Compass Concert. Our target is to train them until advanced skill. Actually i am not sure whether is this the best decision, but i believe that God will help us and give us wisdom. Although this target is quite hard, but i know God will help us achieve the target.

Evening, i just meet with Lee Jet, Sok Cheng and Huey Yeu and cook in home. Long times did not have this kind of fellowship and cook together. Anyway, this is a very good fellowship and enjoyable dinner. At least i will not forget this dinner.

Night, i just join the Beauty Course that purposely to teach us how to take care our skin. Haha quite funny that i will join this kind of course. Anyway, this course is quite interesting and helpful. Although i may not use this kind of products but at least i have more information and knowledge about this. Haha, for me i think Science, Add Maths actually more simple than this Beauty Course. Kekeke

This is what a very crazy thing that i do. After the course, we go yamcha. After yamcha, second round meet with Jojo, Wei Hong, Joyceline and Martin at Asia Cafe. quite funny that we have a long chat for about 2 hours. But the funniest is that after this 2 hours, actually is around 2am, then the Wei Hong ask us to go KL since dont want to go back home. Oh man 2am still go KL, really long times din do this kind of crazy thing. Hahah finally 4am only back home. Anyway is a gud memory for me..

Haha what a Crazy but meaningful night.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

My new Christianity blog

Last time, i hope to create a website or blog that contains various information about christianity. Now i have the chance and time to do that. Actually still in the process of exploring about how to use it. Haha, after1 hour exploring, finally i get the way to do it and create a basic structure of whole blog.

Here is the address:
http://chi-christianity.blogspot.com (chinese)

Will upload more things when free..

Monday, April 07, 2008



开始的 briefing 和祷告


Vocalist 美妙的歌声

Dancer Team 的舞蹈可是他们自己想的,超感动!!





在整个准备过程中,面对许多的考验,特别是在一个星期前的一个意外造成戏剧主角-忠新行动不方便,到了当晚连领唱者 - Rinny 和分享的 - Peter 的车在来教会的半途中突然抛锚,看到神给我们的种种考验,也更能体会到在大战的来临前种种的抵挡。但往往神却与我们同在,他们最终还是在 8.15pm 赶到,让整个演唱会能顺利开始。

整个过程由 Peter 打开话题,再由 Rinny 带领敬拜。过后由阿忠献唱“友”,然后就是戏剧的开始。非常感谢神,整个话剧非常顺利的完成,从赞美敬拜到献唱,再到演员的演出和会众的回应,都让我看到圣灵的带领、运行和感动。虽然这个话剧看过很多次,但是当晚仍然感动流泪,体会到神的爱。往往,我们就很像戏剧里的主角,在面对朋友、诱惑、钱财和试探当中时,就把神忘记了。但神的爱是何等伟大的,神还是会等待我们的回心转意,神还是会帮我们胜过这一切,只要我们向神说:“神,我需要你”。

10.30pm 我们终于完成整个的演唱会,半个钟的休息和分享会,就到了喝茶庆功时候。忙了半年终于完了,一个字,“爽”!!整晚的感觉让我回想起 1
12日的第一个专辑的 Launching Night,虽然很累,但是当中的喜乐是无法想象的!!



Sunday, April 06, 2008

My First Banner

First time design my own banner for blog. Above banner is designed by Paint and Microsoft Word while the pictures were found in Google. Thanks for Google. Time used to design is about 1 hour


Friday, April 04, 2008

RM20 gone because of my careless!!

Sien, today is the most sien day. My computer cant connect to Internet this few days. Then i thought is network card problem due to the electric problem. So i buy a new network card for RM20. After back home, i check the computer then only realize that i unplug my network cable. Sien sien sien, i waste the RM20, better use it to spend people Chicken Buffet. ALAMAK!!!


Saturday, March 29, 2008

普通的朋友 vs 真正的朋友









一个真正的朋友期望他能永远陪在你身旁 !