Thanks God for protecting me and give me faith, save me from death, build and equip me with a tough life. I will serve God forever and sacrifice myself for God.
Thanks my share group leader that borrowed house and car for me to study during exam. She gave me a lot of support no matter on encouragement or advice. She is really a girl that give me a lot of confident no matter in studies or life. She also preparing to help me and listening on my struggle. Thanks God for let me know her.
Thanks share group member that support me in prayer and share my happiness or sadness.
Thanks Risk friends that support me in prayer and always make me joyful. I can release my stress when i see them. They also support me a lot when i feel less confident. They are my best friend in whole life and i will never forget them.
Thanks my another "non-formal" share group that held in Mcd after Praise Team practice. They also help me to release my stress.
Thanks for FCC and Praise Team members that pray for me. Serve with them is my blessing.
Thanks McD that provide a good situation for me to study 24 hours and free refill Coca Cola. Besides that, i can also watch football match there when i feel boring in studies.
Finally sure i want to thanks my family for my whole life until now.